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Royal Lineage Societies
Many of our ancestors came from England and other counties that have royal lines. Examples of these lineage societies are Baronial Order of Magna Charta & Military Order of the Crusades, Charlemagne, Order of the Merovingian Dynasty and others. Come learn more about these groups and what is required for membership.
Access will be through GoToWebinar. Instructions and Connectivity Link will be forwarded via email to all registrants upon registration, six days prior and 1 hour prior to the event. Making the connection is quick and easy only requiring a computer and Internet connectivity from wherever you chose to watch the event. Your questions help drive the meetings, and we will be there to help each other.
NORMAL SOCIETY OFFICE HOURSTuesday - 10:00 am to 2:00 pmThursday - 10:00 am to 2:00 pm