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Using DNA To Find My Biological Ancestors
by David Ouimette
Genetic genealogy can help identify biological parents, a great boon to adoptees. Hundreds of your ancestors left their genetic imprint within you, detectable with DNA testing. Through careful research building the family trees of cousin matches, you can discover ancestors they share with you. In this presentation, we show how to identify ancestors you share with genetic cousins, then trace descendants of shared ancestors to identify biological parents.
David Ouimette leads FamilySearch Content Strategy for Asia-Pacific. He has researched in the archives and record repositories of over seventy countries spanning all continents, identifying written and oral records of greatest genealogical value. Previously, David was lead developer and product manager at Ancestry.com, responsible for family trees, U.S. records, and DNA testing. A Certified Genealogist, Certified Genealogical Lecturer, and author, David resides in Highland, Utah.
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